Community Involvement

Thompson Shipping Group’s (TSG's) commitment to making a positive difference in the Western Australian community is shown in our support of community initiatives and activities through our subsidiary Seacorp. We take great pride in our sponsorships and are committed to ensuring that our communities, particularly our youngest members, have an opportunity to realise their full potential.

TSG has embraced a culture of generously giving back to the communities in which we operate and return a greater proportion of earnings than our larger multi-national competition.

Luke Thompson Legacy logo






Thompson Shipping Group, on behalf of Craig and Rosemary Thompson, established the named fund Luke Thompson Legacy (LTL), in loving memory of Craig and Rosemary’s youngest son Luke Anzac Thompson who sadly passed away in early 2019 at the tender age of 17 years.

Together with the Group of Companies, LTL are proud major sponsors of Black Swan Health and St Patrick's Community Support Centre, having also significantly supported zero2hero over the years



Black Swan Logo





A new Freo Street Doctor mobile clinic van is helping disadvantaged people thanks to the full financial support of the Group's subsidiary Seacorp. The iconic Freo Street Doctor program provided by Black Swan Health is a mobile medical health service that provides a visible, easily accessible and non-judgemental primary health care service to marginalised, disadvantaged and homeless people in the Fremantle community. 

Craig and Rosemary Thompson cutting the ribbon
Craig and Rosemary Thompson at the ribbon-cutting ceremony to mark this significant moment. 

The service provides over 2000 consultations annually with over 20% of patients visiting the Freo Street Doctor identifying as homeless and nearly 45% of patients self-identifying as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander. The brand-new van serves as an indispensable asset that will enhance Black Swan's capability to provide expanded and critical mobile medical and mental health counselling services. 


St Patricks

Thompson Shipping Group proudly support St Patrick’s Community Support Centre who have evolved from a simple meals service to one of Western Australia’s leading not-for-profit organisations helping the homeless. The Group's monthly commitment funds a dedicated support worker who's vital role focuses on identifying and supporting the individual needs of those who walk through their doors. 

For more than 40 years St Patrick’s has worked to provide immediate and holistic care for the homeless, those at risk of being homeless and the disadvantaged in Fremantle and surrounding areas. Their primary aim is to promote social inclusion and self-worth whilst helping people return to independent living, a safe environment and a better quality of life.

Thompson Shipping Group has also partnered with St Patrick's for their vital Redevelopment Project, including fully funding a new dental clinic.. The project will increase community housing and provide continuity of support for people once housed. Together we are working to end homelessness in our community.


 SFFC Logo

Through our subsidiary Seacorp, Thompson Shipping Group takes immense pride in supporting South Fremantle Football Club (SFFC), a local organisation deeply committed to recognising, honouring, and showcasing its significant Indigenous ties  - past, present and future.

Founded on 20 April 1900, SFFC boasts a rich and comprehensive history and has seen the rise of more than 100 talented Aboriginal footballers who have played in the league for the Bulldogs, the highest number in any Australian club, including 4 All Australians. The club ensures these outstanding individuals and their contributions are celebrated annually during NAIDOC week, of which Seacorp is a major sponsor, further demonstrating their respect and dedication to their Indigenous connections. 


Fresh Start


Proudly supporting those in our local community who need it most, Thompson Shipping Group has partnered with Fresh Start.

Fresh Start is an addiction treatment centre in Perth, Western Australia, who are committed to helping individuals and their families recover from drug and alcohol dependence. Their comprehensive approach to helping people with addictions has enabled over 14,000 individuals to escape the vicious cycle of addiction.







As a promoter of equal opportunities, Thompson Shipping Group supports the GenerationOne mission of creating sustainable jobs for Indigenous Australians.

The Australian Employment Covenant (AEC) began in 2008 as a national industry-led initiative aimed at securing the commitment of 50,000 sustained jobs for Indigenous Australians. The AEC combined forces with GenerationOne at the end of 2012 to ensure these job opportunities became a successful reality. 

Seacorp is excited for the positive change that the biggest employer collaboration in our nation's history will bring to our Indigenous community.


Zero 2 Hero Logo



Our subsidiary, Seacorp, is proud to have significantly supported zero2hero, who are a Western Australian based charity dedicated to increasing the understanding of mental health issues and the awareness of mental health services among children and young people through innovative programs, events and education.  Their aim is to equip young people with the skills to speak up when they are struggling and the confidence to stand up and support their friends when they may be experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, bullying, self harm or suicidal thoughts.

Most recently Seacorp has supported "The Big Dig" with all funds raised directly aiding zero2hero's youth mental health programs.

zero2hero envision a world where every child and young person is educated and empowered to effectively deal with mental health issues, and mental illness is dealt with openly and treated as a normal part of everyday life. They believe that through communication, mental health problems can be effectively dealt with and suicide can be prevented.


Thompson Shipping Group has also supported the following organisations, either directly or through one of its subsidiaries:​​​


         Denmark Community     




Lions Cancer          Starlight            MTS